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User Register / Forgotten Password / Delete Account

Complete the registration within 2 minutes, Easily connect with more than 400,000 metal industry professionals around the world

1) Enter your real email address (Note: it must be a real email address. After successful registration, MetalFirst will send your account number to this email address. You can login to use the App with this account number and the password you set.)

2) Read the User Agreement and User Privacy Terms. If you agree, please check the box to agree to the User Agreement and User Privacy, and click Next to continue the registration process

MetalFirst Users

3) Setup your password for login into the App, and enter the password again to confirm, then click Next to continue the registration process

4) Select your country or region

5) Enter your name

6) Enter your real mobile phone number (Note: it must be a real mobile phone number for the subsequent verification code sending)

7) Enter the company name

8) Enter your telphone number

9) Receive the user id (account number) notification email, registration successful

Forgotten Password - Reset Password in 5 Steps

Step 1: Submit a forgotten password application

Step 2: Submit the verification code received in the email

Step 3: Reset password

Step 4: Wait for reactivation

Step 5: Receive the activation email and login

Delete Account / Remove Account

Click "Setup" in the lower right corner of MetalFirst APP ---- Edit User Information ---- Remove Account